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2022-01 至 今, 新疆大学, 材料科学与工程学院, 副教授

2020-09 至 2021-12, 新疆大学, 机械工程学院, 讲师

2015-09 至 2020-04, 哈尔滨工业大学, 材料加工工程, 博士

2013-09 至 2015-07, 哈尔滨工业大学(威海), 材料加工工程, 硕士

2009-09 至 2013-07, 哈尔滨工业大学(威海), 材料成型及控制工程, 学士


1.2021.01 -2023.12 “天池博士”人才项目,TC4钛合金电流辅助超塑成形工艺研究,7万,课题负责人;

2.2021.01-2023.12 新疆大学博士启动基金,TC4钛合金电流辅助扩散连接工艺研究,20万元,课题负责人;

3.八师石河子市科技计划项目,重大科技计划,100KA三层电解提纯5N高纯铝技术开发,2022-01-01 至 2023-12-31,5万元,参与;

4.国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 51875122, Ti2AlNb双层结构脉冲电流辅助超塑成形/扩散连接控形控性控构基础研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 61万元, 参与。



  1. Xinyi Feng;Xiao Li;Fei Wang;Zengzhi Liu;Wenping Wang;Effect of Spherical WC Content on the Microstructure and Properties of SiCp Aluminium Composite Material,Coatings,2023, 13(11), 1935

  2. Xiao Li, Jiahui Peng, Fei Wang, et al. Effect of Electrically Assisted Preheating on Microstructure and Properties of Laser Cladded Co-based Coating on CP-Ti Alloy Substrate[J]. Coatings. 2023, 13(8): 1379

  3. WangFei,Li Xiao,Peng Jiahui,Liu Zengzhi,Feng Xinyi. The Effect of Laser Cladding Lap Ratio of TC4 Alloy of Micosructue and Porperties of Ni60 coating[C].International Conference on Applied Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Qingyuan, 2023:012025

  4. WangFei,Li Xiao,Peng Jiahui,Liu Zengzhi,Feng Xinyi. The Micosructue and Porperties of Ni60 cladding layer by Laser cladding on TC4 Alloy Surface[C]. International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Materials Engineering, Zhuhai, 2023:012070

  5. 彭家辉,李骁,王斐,等.激光熔覆Ti/h-BN涂层有限元模拟及组织性能研究[J].热加工工艺, 2023

  6. Xiao Li, Guofeng Wang, Jingxuan Zhang, et al. Electrically assisted superplastic forming/diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet[J]. the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106(1-2): 77-89

  7. Guofeng Wang, Xiao Li, Yibin Gu et al. The temperature distribution and the effect of low-density electric current on the B2+O lamellar microstructure of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet during resistance heating[J] Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(3): 550-559

  8. Xiao Li, Guofeng Wang, Yibin Gu et al. Electrically assisted diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet using CP-Ti foil interlayer: Microstructural characterization and mechanical tests[J] Materials Science & Engineering A, 2019, 744: 733-745

  9. Xiao Li, Guofeng Wang, Yibin Gu et al. Investigation on electrically-assisted diffusion bonding of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet by microstructural observation, mechanical tests and heat treatment[J]. Materials & Design, 2018, 157: 351-361

  10. Guofeng Wang, Xiao Li, Siyu Liu et al. Improved superplasticity and microstructural evolution of Ti2AlNb alloy sheet during electrically assisted superplastic gas bulging[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 99(1-4): 773-787Ø

  11. 王国峰,李骁,李丹峰等.脉冲电流在塑性加工中的应用[J].航空制造技术,2017,537(18):22-28


1. 李骁,彭家辉,王斐,刘增志,冯馨毅.一种脉冲电流辅助激光熔覆、预热和热处理一体化装置[P]. CN202221451944.7.


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